Peru is one of those magical mystery, iconic locations that we’ve all heard about.
The great civilization of the Inca empire that stretched, rose and fell in a hundred year period and stretched throughout the whole of south America. Peru is an incredible place because you can go and experience rainbow mountains, Inca trail and Machu Picchu all within a two week trip. It’s a big journey to get there, but the rewards are massive.
The rainbow mountains were only discovered six years ago and the ice and the snow melted away. And you get this beautiful color stratification that just drips down from the Ridge lines over on that area. And after that, you go to regroup, reconvene in Cusco and then back out onto the Inca trail, the iconic Inca trail, which is beautiful. And then of course the gateway to the sun and all of a sudden Macchu Picchu is there in front of you. You get to walk around it, you get to experience the great people, the food, the color, the culture, and it is a two week experience that you, your private group or you, and one other as a VIP experience can experience with me being there with you every step of the way.
Dave W Pickles Limited operates within the UK & Globally to provide tailored experiences with incredible measurable outcomes. Increasing individual & team performance personally and professionally that is results driven, through fun, unique development techniques and inspiring shared experiences.
Key Note Speaker – Performance & Adventure Expert / CCO World’s Highest OCR, World’s Highest Marathon & ALTITUDE OCR. Co-Chairman of Sport Development for World Obstacle