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Be Agile

Is being able to plan and react quickly, making clear and accurate decisions with a strong positive outcome, no matter what the situation important to you, your team and organisation?


Be Resilient

Is being able to withstand and recover quickly from difficult mental, emotional and physical conditions a valued and essential attribute to you, your team and organisation?


Be Performance

Is increasing personal and team performance through knowing self, method and mind important to you, your team and organisation?


Be Leadership

Are the principles, purpose and truths of leadership including supporting and maintaining optimum health, wellbeing and relationship’s important and valued to you, your team and organisation?

The Dave W Pickles TEAM

We work closely with Corporate, Sports Club and Third Sector organisations providing face to face and online tailor made team energisers UK & Globally, to help increase personal and team performance through knowing self, method and mind, building strong health and wellbeing within sustainable relationships demonstrating measurable long term positive change.



Authenticity, purpose, innovation, courage, integrity and total belief in an individual’s ability to increase personal performance, that positively influences the team’s success in a sustainable and measurable way is the DNA of our TEAM.

DNA is the critical component of understanding what the current and potential ability is of any individual and must be established through exposure to various experiences; designed to arrive at the chosen objective and key aims set out.

Our TEAM works closely with it’s valued partners and their specific requirements to provide a journey of tailor made face to face and online team energisers in the UK and around the world, engaging a range of capabilities and skill sets based on first-hand leadership experience within remote wilderness expeditions, mountaineering and military deployments.

Bringing together people and the outdoors to get the best out of both!




Team Profiling


Online & Face to Face Energisers


Corporate Hill Walks’


Get in touch with Dave W Pickles

If you have any questions or professional inquiries please shoot him an email through this form. He would like to hear from you, depending on your inquiry of course.